Sunday, March 4, 2007

March 4, 2007

Some of the finer points brought up in the first article are ones I find to be somewhat relevant, especially for myself, today. The idea of culture-produced art instead of individually created is something I see as true. As a printmaker this idea of community as essential has been engrained into my mind as a way to produce art. It takes the culmination of minds quite often to make successful work. My most recent example I have would be the Patti doll. Yes the idea was my conception, but the idea forced me to take on media that I am not as familiar with. It went from physical print, which I could understand, to digital print which required me to seek the skills of other to help produce. In addition to the physical manifestation it was also necessary to think in terms of web media which lead me to learn about the finer things in website construction. It crossed media needs quite quickly and took the help of several patient and smart people to help me get my idea to fruition. Again it was a community I could call on, who in turn can call on me. It is the idea of culturally produced work.
The other part I found interesting is the fact that the author feels most new art expression was political. I am not in disagreement. Not that all expression is political, but I feel that many works made are a statement with political premises. I don't know what this all means but in our culture today everything seems to have an underling meaning that is referential to the power over us culturally. Whether it is feminism or war protest most people seem to have an agenda of their own that they are more than willing to voice to others. I find this fact a little bit interesting. I do it in my own work and see it done in many others.